Tips For Real Estate Marketers to Build a Social Media Following

Tips For Real Estate Marketers to Build a Social Media Following

Social media marketing may be one of the cheapest and easiest ways to market services and products. More so for real estate agents, especially realtors working for small and midsize agencies. The latter may actually have an advantage in this area.

The reason for this is that many large, enterprise-level businesses struggle to establish and effectively communicate the business value being created through social marketing. Smaller agencies can use this anomaly to their advantage. For one, you’ll be able to directly experience the return on investment (ROI) for your strategies and campaigns on social media, and you can quickly modify such campaigns to achieve better results.

However, to succeed on social media, you need to ensure you follow the things mentioned below.

Regular Updates

The easiest way to achieve success through social media marketing is to build up a substantial following on a variety of platforms by posting regularly. You need to post updates frequent enough that your followers are aware of your presence, creating brand awareness.

Keep in mind that real estate is the most saturated market on social media. Make sure you don’t post too frequently, flooding your follower’s feeds to the point that they become annoyed. Take care to schedule your posts and the type of content. It’s important to put quality over the quantity of content, and schedule them well. Use analytics available on networks to see when your followers are most active, and go onto schedule quality posts at that time.

You should make sure not to post similar content repeatedly, or your followers will start ignoring it. Make sure you’re mix up different content including Promotional, Personal, Editorial as well as Shared content.

Showcasing Your Personality

No matter which platform you use, remember that a successful realtor relies mostly on personality and salesmanship. Showcase these traits in your posts, and evolve a persona that your followers trust and interact with.

You’ll never get the following you want if you merely promote listings. This can be accomplished if you post shareable interesting content in order to gather a following. So when its time when you market a property, you have a ready built base of viewers.

However, it’s best to stay within limits. Stay interesting, but non-offensive so as not to drive any potential clients away. It’s best that you establish a professional Facebook page (or Twitter/Instagram accounts) that are distinct from your personal profiles. Use this page to post virtual tours, listings, announce open houses, share real estate tips and conduct business activity that doesn’t compete for visibility with your personal stuff.

Building a Community

You should use your social media presence to position yourself as a thought leader amidst the community that you cater to. For instance, you can build your audience around your professional Facebook page. Facebook groups can be used to share content such as information on taxes, local news, events, tips, promote businesses in the area and so on.

However, in order to build a community around your services, you first need to decide specifically what that community is about. You will need to make sure that your fans will engage and enjoy the content that you plan to focus on. This way you will be able to build a following who is most likely to use the services you provide, and build your business.



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