Why real estate agents get ignored on social media - And what to do about it

Why real estate agents get ignored on social media - And what to do about it

Face it, your social media stinks. No, that’s not an insult. It’s just that the facts can’t be ignored. Despite the highest frequency of posting, the real estate industry seems to have the lowest engagement rates.

This data might be surprising, what with all the social media gurus talk about is how important it is to post regularly. Statistics also show that using images increase engagement as well. And the real estate industry tops in this as well.

So why are people being turned off?

Too Much Content?!

Very likely because you’re not posting the right stuff. Not that your listings and other updates are bad, but the majority of your followers just don’t care. The reason people use social media is not to be sold to. People like updates because they enjoy something new or share an opinion. They retweet or share content that evokes emotion or interest. That’s the sort of content you need to post.

Unless all your followers are in the market for a new home or planning to move, then they will have not much interest in your listings, the sale you made recently or anything at all related to your business.

You have to realize that most of your connections don’t fit into that group. It’s usually several years before your clients will even think about moving again. However, you can’t afford to ignore them until they are back in the market. Remember that 70 percent of real estate clients forget their agents after only a year. Here’s what you can do instead

Content rules, but in Context

Too obvious to state? Most agents get into the habit of posting updates they want to share rather than content their followers would like to receive. You can’t force engagement this way.

Always remember the 80/20 rule when planning your social media calendar. Not more than 20 percent should be about your services while the remaining 80 percent or more should be about your clients’ needs, likes and wants.

While interest varies from client to client, certain topics have broader appeal than others. According to research, food, home and lifestyle topics account for 85 percent of the world’s most shared content. So all the shareable recipes, organizational tips, DIY and self-improvement ideas will consistently fare well.

Building relationships, the right way

Displaying a little personality or sharing some non-commercial updates helps you connect with your clients. If you do post about yourself, make it personal and not anything that would make you look unprofessional.

Most social media sites let you share directly with individuals. Use your knowledge of your followers to connect with them to make your clients feel special. The more your followers get to know you, the more rapport you’ll have. It can be hugely beneficial when it comes to referrals and repeat business.

It takes some time and effort, but improving your social media efforts can bring you substantial returns on investment.



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